How to Be Saved

The word saved has many connotations to us. It can mean saved from danger or saved for later. I can also mean to be set aside or put in a safe place but being Saved as the Bible teaches is to be forgiven of all sins by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on a cross 2000 years ago! It means to understand and agree with a Holy God who says that “all have sinned” and the “wages of sin is death.” It means that this Holy God “so loved the world” (that is all mankind) the He was “not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. Repentance means turning from sin to a loving God. The Scriptures say that “by faith you are saved, through grace and that not of yourselves” both are a gift of God!
The Word saved means to have all of your sins placed on the Son of God, Jesus Christ and by Him to be forgiven. The Word saved means to become a “new creation”. it means Old things have passed and all things have become new. It means that God the Holy Spirit moves into your very being and will give you a new way to live and love. It means that you now have the power to say now to sin, addiction, hatred, bigotry and emptiness.
How can I be saved? This is what God says Romans 10:9 “That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” That by faith you believe that God has provided salvation through Jesus Christ and by faith claim His forgiveness of all your sins and that He is now the Lord (ruler) of your life. Only by faith in what God says He can and will do will salvation be yours and it can be yours today. Recognize by faith you are a sinner, and that God has justly sentenced you to an eternity of punishment, but that He also loves you so much that He sent His Son Jesus Christ to bear your judgment and then claim His forgiveness through Jesus.
When can I be saved? Right now! Pray this prayer to God: God I am a sinner, living without your grace or mercy. I see my sin placed on Jesus and believe that His death, burial and resurrection paid in full my sin debt. I claim by faith that you are able and willing to save me right now and give me a new way to live. I accept you as my Lord, my King and give you my love and obedience from this moment forward. Thank you for my salvation and new way of life. Amen